
Impact-driven agri-food
company for a food-secure world

In our three key priority areas; PEOPLE. PRODUCT. PLANET. The company takes an wholistic approach to end hunger, poverty and malnutrition by investing in sustainable agriculture, market systems and resilient food systems. We are committed to empower our farmers, nourishing our communities and protect our planet in a sustainable manner through partnerships and innovation.

Climate resilient agriculture

Climate change stands as a threat to the foundations of our global food systems, unrivalled in its scope and impact. Today, soaring temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and extreme weather are adversely affecting our ability to feed ourselves, demanding urgent solutions. 
Tanzania is a major Sunflower producing country in Africa, but still the country imports up to 400,000MT of edible oil to cover its current demand of 650,000MT. Across the East African nation, Sunflower supports thousands of households, mostly of smallholder farmers. Sunflower ability to adapt to different agro-ecological zones qualifies it as one of the most climate resilient crops, hence produced widely in the country.


For many women in rural Tanzania agriculture is the backbone of their economies. The escalating impacts of climate change are making it increasingly challenging for citizens to produce or afford healthy meals. With each passing year, farmers are finding it difficult to predict growing seasons, with erratic rainfall threatening crop yields and livestock productivity.

In a gender lens women are currently excluded from participating in and benefitting from agriculture sector due to bad traditions and beliefs. Women are denied access to own major means of production such as land, being held back by poor production practices, and lack of access to markets and joining cooperatives.

OBRI Africa partners with food and agriculture organizations and institutions to provide training and access to resources to increase the production and sale of sunflower seeds and oil and reduce post-harvest losses.
Our farmers are trained on Good Agricultural Practices including conservation, Quality Declared Seed production and climate-smart agriculture. We buy all produce at fair price. We support farmers on the construction of a warehouse to improve post-harvest storage. We link cooperatives with reliable seed companies and input suppliers to give women access to improved seeds, organic fertilisers and pesticides. To Date OBRI Africa works directly with thousands of smallholder farmers in Tanzania.